Our mission is to provide the most vulnerable members of our community with empathetic and compassionate care in the comfort and secure surroundings of their own home

Supported Living

Mabeline Services Ltd is a company that provides support and care to individuals with a range of needs, including mental health issues, substance abuse issues, and those who have been detained under the Mental Health Act or subject to restrictions from the Home Office or Ministry of Justice. It is important for individuals with these types of needs to have access to supportive and safe living environments in order to help them manage their conditions and improve their overall quality of life. Mabeline Services Ltd is committed to creating an atmosphere of home, safety, warmth, and care for the individuals we serve.

People with learning disabilities regularly express their concerns whether they will be able to find a home that meets their needs and enables them to live an independent life.

We at Mabeline Services Ltd want to offer our clients a real choice about where they live and who with, and where housing options are tailored to meet an individual’s needs and aspirations.

Through quality support and housing services, we help Service Users gain the life skills they need to build the foundations for independent living.